Transformational Therapy with Sarah-Joy

I offer holistic counselling and psychotherapy services, both online and face to face.  This complements the transformative coaching and energy healing services I’ve been offering since 2015. This article covers why and how holistic counselling and psychotherapy can help you, the nature of my service as well as a brief background about the school of psychotherapy I am trained in.

Why consider holistic counselling & psychotherapy?

Everyone needs support at some point or another in their lives. Support can come in many ways through family, friends and the community. Sometimes, however, more informed, trained and objective support through holistic counselling, free from prejudices and judgements, can take you much further in healing, resolving or transforming a personal problem, family or relationship conflict or dilemma.

Furthermore, deep rooted patterns within your unconscious, often unknown to you, can also cause repeated mental and emotional stress. Or, you may seem to be attracting similar unwanted life situations and don’t know why. Here psychotherapy can help you become aware of the root causes of your problems and gain more clarity in addressing them.

Holistic counselling and therapy is an approach which helps clients heal by taking the entire human being and their experiences into consideration during assessment and treatment. It treats a person’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs in an integrated way!

How can holistic counselling and psychotherapy help you?

Holistic therapy can help you with:

  • personal, family or work stresses;

  • relationship conflict with a family member, employer, colleague or friend;

  • a health or life challenge that may be creating mental and emotional anxiety, uncertainty and drains you of energy;

  • recurrent dreams, nightmares, childhood memories that may be disturbing and troubling and you would like to understand and resolve it;

  • a crossroad in life related to your job, marriage, work partnerships, moving or shifting residence or country, etc. – when you need to make a major decision that will have a long-term impact; and also

  • any spiritual experiences that may be confusing or even elating but you feel you need more clarity and guidance.

Through holistic counselling you will feel heard, acknowledged and supported.

Relevant guidance and tools will be offered to you where appropriate.

Through psychotherapy you will learn to develop increased personal awareness and better understand repressed thoughts, emotions, and experiences that may be negatively affecting your life. Understanding more about the unconscious parts of yourself is part of your journey to recovery.

Through the therapeutic process, you may discover appropriate solutions for yourself and learn to hear and trust your own intuitive guidance.

What can you expect from a therapy session with me?

Using the techniques of Holistic Counselling and Process Oriented Psychology (see below for description) I aim to support people from all walks of life regardless of race, religion, class, age, gender or sexual preference. All my sessions are totally respectful, caring of your needs, private and confidential. I abide by the Code of Ethics set out by the Psychotherapy and Counsellors Federation of Australia (PACFA) as well as the Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy (MPA).

My mission is to ensure that ALL clients are supported on a healing pathway that is personally uplifting and empowering to them! My motto is TRANSFORMING LIVES into Wellness, Freedom and Joy!

If you’re looking for a holistic, caring and intuitive approach to therapy then contact me for further information or to book a session.

How much is a session?

My rates for counselling and psychotherapy services is RM160 per hour or RM180 for couples. Sessions run from 1 to 1.5 hours depending on the client’s situation. For a first session, do plan for 1.5 hours. Students and those from lower income groups could be considered for a reduction. For overseas clients or those without a Malaysian bank account the rate is USD40/AUD55 per hour – payment via paypal.

How to contact me and make an appointment?

You can email, me at sarahjoyamin@gmail.com, send me an fb message via https://www.facebook.com/TransformingLivesPenang/ or whatsapp message or phone call at 016-488 9328. I generally reply quite promptly but for longer emails or messages please allow a day or two latest especially over the weekend period.

I offer my services at the HEART SPACE in Pulau Tikus, Penang, as well as online via zoom or whatsapp call if necessary. Full address provided once an appointment is made. For appointment time, this will be arranged between myself and the client.

Feel safe in the comfort and privacy of the Heart Space

What institutional training have I received in counselling and psychotherapy?

I have done my post-graduate studies with the Metavision Institute based in Bowral, Australia, offering graduate and post graduate professional training courses in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy. Its methods are “rooted in conscious and spiritual awareness; while their teachings are geared towards mental wellbeing.” Furthermore, its focus “extends from healing despair to unleashing the power of human potential.

For more information about Metavision Institute, do check their website: https://metavision.com.au/courses/holistic-counselling-and-psychotherapy-course/

Transformative change for the body, soul and spirit, where inner change generates outer change.” Metavision Institute, Australia

What tradition of Psychotherapy is being offered?

The psychotherapy approach used here is called Process Oriented Psychology, also known as Process Work. This is a holistic psychotherapeutic approach which works on both the conscious and unconscious minds. Through working with the unconscious parts of you, deeper aspects not always obvious are revealed and brought into your awareness.

What is Process Oriented Psychology?

Process oriented psychology was developed in 1970s by Dr. Arnold Mindell, a physicist and psychologist. ”It is a trans-disciplinary approach that integrates principles from Jungian psychology, physics, and information theory”. It also draws from the wisdom and teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, and various indigenous traditions that recognise we all have underlying psychological patterns. These patterns influence our mental, emotional and physical states, and thereby our actions and personal and relationship experiences.

According to its founder, Dr. Mindell “Process oriented psychology uses awareness to track psychological and physical processes that illuminate and possibly resolve inner, relationship, team, and world issues.” [http://www.aamindell.net/process-work ]

If you are interested to learn more about Process Work and the Process Work Institute, see the following website: https://www.processwork.edu/

Today, process oriented psychology is a widely practiced and respected therapeutic approach. The International Association of Process Oriented Psychology (IAPOP) acts as the supervising body for training, accreditation, and certification worldwide. For details, do check https://www.goodtherapy.org/…/t…/process-oriented-psychology.

Sometimes Transformative Coaching might be more suitable
If you’re needing guidance on making a change in your life direction, finding clarity on a life purpose or career direction, or wanting to manifest and expand your life mission, then a Transformative Coaching approach might be more suited for you. You can explore this in a first session with me then consider taking a 4 or 6 session package (see below) which combines EMPOWERMENT techniques with various energy healing modalities and transformative tools.


Chakra Yoga

A four session package, each approximately two-hours, using a variety of EMPOWERMENT coaching techniques, positive affirmations, channeled guidance, yoga and breath work, including several energy healing sessions to support emotional release, heart centering, chakra balancing and a personal visioning programme to start you off in your new life.

The sessions can be spaced out over 3-4 months or whatever timeframe that suits you but no more than 6 months. I will meet with you every few weeks or at least once a month for our sessions. In between sessions you will have homework to practice self-healing and self-empowerment techniques which we will review in each following session.

MAKE A COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF TODAY to be the person you truly want to be…. Empower yourself towards true Freedom, Joy and Wellness!

Price for this Transformative Journey’s Package is RM1388! If you like to add two more sessions after this you are entitled to the special rate of only RM1888 for six sessions.


What if you can’t afford a private session but would like to avail of counselling support? 

Join the Heart Circle! Through the monthly Heart Circle, I offer a safe and supportive space for people to gather and support each other sharing both uplifting as well as challenging life aspects during this period. The past few years with the pandemic especially has been particularly difficult for many emotionally, socially, physically as well as spiritually. As private counselling sessions are not always affordable, I make this offering at an affordable rate for each person who comes to feel supported and cared for by the group, as well as to benefit from whatever guidance I may have to share. We all need soul care and support at various times of our lives. Check the Heart Space facebook page for monthly group meeting schedule.


Participant Feedback: 

“Since the first Heart Circle session I am very excited about it & eagerly looking forward to future sessions. It gave me a positive feeling. I felt good & uninhibited to open up myself. I was able to talk from my heart. It was a healthy mix of diverse people from diverse backgrounds, ages & gender balanced. This was the beauty of this session. It must be consciously maintained. It creates interest and you steered the session very nicely moving along with the flow of discussions! Just wanted to share my feedback.”


 Testimonial from Kiko, University Lecturer, Penang

I am grateful to have met such a wonderful person as Sarah-Joy. She has transformed my life and increased my sense of awareness. I have learnt a lot about myself and others through our sessions together and I could feel her sincerity in helping me to heal parts that need healing as well as transform myself altogether. I highly recommend those that would like to do the same to see Sarah-Joy and experience it yourself. (2020)

Testimonial from Hema Magaeswaran, Financial Associate, Penang

I came across Sarah-Joy’s webpage in 2020 during one of the hardest periods in my life and I decided to book a session. As it was my first ever counseling session, I was uncomfortable and a bit hesitant to open up. But Sarah-Joy made sure that I was prepared and ready before opening up.  She wasn’t pushy at all. This made me feel safe and comfortable, which I feel is very important in any counselling session. Since then I’ve been going to Sarah-Joy for over a year now. Her sessions have really helped me to connect with my deeper self and addressed a lot of issues that needed attention but which I had previously neglected. One of my favourite process with her is the energy healing and meditation because I would go in with a clouded mind and after each session, I get the clarity that I’ve been seeking. Though healing is a long term process, with people like Sarah-Joy to assist me, I’m sure I will evolve in my spiritual journey as well. Thank you very much Sarah! (2021)

Testimonial from Astadilla, Malaysian/Australian, single mother and post-graduate candidate

Working with Sarah-Joy is fantastic. Sarah is our family therapist, and she works with both me and my son. My son, 11 years, was struggling in school, and Sarah has been a huge help to him. He is now content and understands how to manage his stress and emotions. (2021/2022)

Testimonial from Charley, expat English teacher, Penang

Sarah-Joy’s calming energy and the safe space creates, provides the perfect place to heal. With a broad knowledge of techniques and practices, Sarah tailors each session to suit your emotional needs. With Sarah’s support and guidance, I found my sparkle again! I shall forever be grateful for her. (2022)

Testimonial from Xin Tong, Engineer/Massage therapist, Penang 

Sarah-Joy is a kind and empathetic therapist. I went to her session to gain insight into my family and personal relationships. So much healing comes to me as Sarah was listening to me without judgements, asked me very relevant questions and guided me towards clarity. The session cleared out many of my doubts, led me into a better understanding of my current situation and gave me a clearer picture of where to go from here. I’m truly grateful to have someone who accepted me for who I am. Thank you so much!!!!! Truly recommending Sarah’s healing work if you need guidance and insights when your life is at crossroads or just out of sorts. Her heart and presence warms me up like the color of a rose🌹 (2022)

Testimonial from Jenny, Writer/Traveler from the UK

I wholeheartedly recommend Sarah-Joy’s therapy and Heart Space workshops. I arrived in Penang on a three month trip and was badly in need of some support emotionally. I knew that I was looking for some type of talking therapy, and when I stumbled upon Sarah’s 1-1 therapy I felt that it might offer me the support I was looking for. From the minute I entered the Heart Space centre I felt welcomed and at ease and Sarah’s approach of using psychoanalysis with energy work was just what I needed. I initially talked through the issues I was having, and Sarah offered perceptive and gentle guidance; following this we focused on working at an energy level by focusing on how the emotions were causing energy imbalances within the body and smoothing out those imbalances. I know I’m not explaining Sarah’s work very well, but all I can say is that it works and I would leave the sessions feeling revitalised, stronger and with new emotional tools/insights to help me. I’m really glad I took this approach as opposed to regular counselling, as it now makes sense to me that in order to work through emotional challenges we also need to work inwardly and clear those energetic imbalances.
Furthermore, during my time in Penang I attended 3 of the Heart Space workshops and they were perfect. I met some beautiful like minded people and the workshops helped me to feel a sense of belonging in new location at a time when I was struggling emotionally and physically.  Thank you Sarah, with all my heart. Jenny (2022/2023)

Testimonial from Fran, International School Teacher on the Transformational Journey sessions

Sarah-Joy is a magical woman and she helped me enormously. I had an abrupt spiritual awakening at the start of 2021. I found Sarah-Joy at The Heart Space. Her transformation package quite literally did what it claims: transformed my spiritual world and allowed me to feel more at ease within my mental and emotional bodies. Her support made me feel seen, heard and understood.

Since then, Sarah-Joy has become a friend. She is a gifted healer, channeller and intuitive. I have recommended her services to friends and family members both in Penang and in the UK. Energy healing with Sarah-Joy works powerfully both face-to-face and online. She is a beautiful, gentle soul with huge gifts.