ROSE HEART ALCHEMY – A Meditation Launch at the Heart Space on 11:11 at 11am

Friday, 11-11-22 at 11am – 12.15pm (arrive by 10.45am)
Min donation: RM33. Please book your space by 8 Nov. 2022 latest. (I’m making this session affordable so more can benefit from my heart offering.)
In this Rose Heart Alchemical morning, we will work with the energy of the Rose and the rose quartz to support your emotional and spiritual healing!
The energies of the rose has been used over thousands of years in ancient sacred traditions yet its higher heart frequency hasn’t been fully appreciated today. More is now known about the Higher Heart frequencies of unconditional love, compassion and of superior love which the Rose represents. Working with the Rose’ energy helps us to heal our emotional heart and raise our own higher heart frequencies!
The rose is a powerful healer in many ways, externally as well as internally. This meditation will start your heart healing journey when you come ready to receive the rose energy and vibration and open your heart to change. The rose’ gentle feminine nature acts as an energetic balm soothing emotional wounds, while her high vibration creates more peaceful conditions for calming the mind’s mental agitation bringing in inner peace.
Together with the rose quartz, the meditation will start to slowly peel away the layers of stuck energies and shift our protective barriers resisting change and soul expansion.
We will also invite the Rose and rose quartz energy to open your Higher Heart chakra so you’re more ready to awaken your beautiful energy of unconditional love and compassion, to allow more heart-based connection with yourself, others and the world.
Come ready to receive and share your heart energy. Bring your rose quartz crystal (if you have one to work with. Otherwise you may purchase one from the Heart Space to use during the meditation).
We will also invite one or two of the Goddesses of Love and Compassion to support us in this Rose Heart Healing meditation.
This meditation will launch Sarah-Joy’s new series of Rose Heart healings: Petal Healing and Rose Bloom sessions on the same day.
Contact me to register and book your space. Max: 11 participants💗🙏 Those resonating will heed to call of Mother Rose🌹
Rose Heart Healing

Rose Heart Healing

Launching my new offerings: ROSE HEART HEALING sessions at the Heart Space

On 10-10-22, a full moon day, I launched my Rose Heart Healing sessions, Petal Healing and Rose Bloom, to heal and expand our emotional and spiritual Heart. While, I’ve been practising Intuitive Chakra and Multidimensional Chakra energy healing since 2015 with good results for clients, I’ve nevertheless been called to offer something specifically for healing our emotional and spiritual Heart. Spending some reflective time over the past months, and recently a couple of weeks in nature with plants and flowers, has awakened the subtle yet powerful energy of the ROSE – the flower and rose quartz crystals, within my healing work.

Rose Heart HealingFor ages, the Rose has been a symbol of Beauty and LOVE, both romantic as well as sacred as seen in various spiritual traditions (mystic Christian, Islam, Egyptian, and others). I’ve long been drawn to the rose for its scent, its beauty, its colour, especially the deep pink, and to its sacred symbolism as the flower of divine-heart or soul-heart. My counselling room set up in 2020 at the Heart Space is known as the Gold Rose room and carries a large image of the Rose because it is connected to the Heart Chakra, particularly the Higher Heart vortex vibrating the frequency of Unconditional Love. I wanted to create a space of unconditional loving acceptance for clients walking in to support them in their healing journey.

As a counsellor and energy healer, I’ve seen many clients with energies tight, or blocked at the chest and Heart chakra area, more than in any other place of the physical and emotional/energetic body. This is also the area where we generally experience our soul consciousness and where soul is restricted or repressed, if not healed and free.

It is therefore not surprising that my higher calling is unfolding more clearly to bring in a new healing modality specially for the emotional, energetic and spiritual heart. The Petal Healing and Rose Bloom sessions (see details of each in the following link under my offerings) commence on 11-11-22. I’m open to bookings now. Both sessions draw on the healing energies of the rose quartz (a crystal that emits beautiful loving frequencies) as well as the divine Goddesses of Love and Compassion. You will be served Rose tea or water to open your senses. A Rose Oracle reading complements the Rose Bloom session, while a one card reading is offered for the Petal Healing session.

For those starting their heart healing journey, I recommend taking the Petal Healing session prior to embarking on the Rose Bloom session so as to focus on healing the emotional heart first. The latter session then seeks to connect you with your soul by expanding and blooming your energetic heart. Next year, I wish to create an extended session for Rose Heart Activation (the Sacred Rose Bloom) channeling more sacred Feminine energies and Higher Heart Light activations for clients to have a deeper sense of their sacred self and experience heart-felt divine connection.

The ROSE HEALING PATH aims to lead us from the sufferings of the human heart, to a more open and connected heart space where the soul can feel more free, joyous, expanded and divinely connected to the sacred feminine.

A. Petal Healing – 60 mins (RM198 energy healing with rose quartz crystals)

Petal Healing works on healing wounded hearts to ease emotional hurt and heavy or blocked heart energies. The session will comfort and relax your heart bringing in forgiveness, more self-love and compassion. You will receive a 30 min energy healing session to help heal and nurture your heart slowly back to ease and grace. During the session, you will be held lovingly while receiving the beautiful healing energies of rose quartz crystals. A one card Rose oracle reading will also be offered together with Rose tea.

It may take several sessions to gradually return to a freer and more open heart-felt state. So it is recommended doing more than one session, or combine it with the Rose Bloom or on-going counselling for deeper healing and heart expansion. Learn to say YES to Love and to regaining a Peaceful and Loving state.

B. Rose Bloom – 90 mins (RM288 energy healing with rose quartz & rose oracle card reading)

The Rose Bloom session will both heal and support your heart expansion. Be the holder of your Heart-Light and let your heart and soul bloom. Meet Angels of Heart-Light and receive new love-light codes to increase your heart/soul connection and expression. You will receive 50-60 minutes of energy healing with the guidance of one or more Goddesses of Love and Compassion (Kuan Yin, Aphrodite, Mother Isis, Lady Nada, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene of the Rose Mystery school). Be guided by channeled messages from these goddesses to bloom your soul-heart.

Enjoy Rose tea/rose water as you receive a Rose card reading that complements the healing session. First timers will receive a rose quartz crystal to work with their on-going heart blooming practice. This session is recommended as a sequel to the Petal Healing (above), or as part of Sarah-Joy’s other counselling and healing sessions.

Launch of the HEART SPACE on Jan. 2021… a Holistic Healing and Transformative Space in Penang

Announcing the launch of the HEART SPACE on Jan. 2021… a Holistic Healing and Transformative Space in Penang


The Heart Space Collective is please to come together to create both a physical and virtual space that serves the interest of people


A Holistic Healing and Transformative Space for the higher purpose of personal & collective evolution.


*Transforming Lives into Wellness, Freedom and Joy!

* Supporting a Heart-based connection with Self, Others and the Planet according to the following guiding principles.


* Healing with Integrity, Love and Compassion;

* Working for the Highest Good of All – regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender and sexual preference;

* Self-Empowerment, Spiritual Awareness & Upliftment;

* Collaboration & Partnerships with Unity Consciousness & fair abundance exchange.


The HEART SPACE supports your mental, emotional, physical, energetic & spiritual well-being through:

* Holistic Counselling & Psychotherapy

*Transformative Coaching* Physiotherapy

* Energy Profiling, Chakra and Energy Healing

* Crystal Channeling, Crystal Healing and Arrays, and Training

* Intuitive Energy and Voice-Sound Healing

* Multidimensional Chakra Healing with Channeling

* Sound Healing Therapy with Singing bowl

* Tarot Card Reading and Training

* Chakra Yoga and gentle yoga – Private and group sessions

* “Speak to a Friend” – peer support for young persons


* Sarah-Joy Amin – (Chakra Energy Healer/Chakra Yoga Instructor/Inner Dance facilitator/Holistic Counsellor & Psychotherapist)

* Katrina Rowland – (Herbalist/Crystal channeler/Teacher of Tarot, Crystal & Energy Healing)

* Kok Su Lynn (Physiotherapist/Hatha-Vinyasa Yoga Teacher)

* Tham LiSue (Physiotherapist)

* Tan Han How (Sound Therapist

* Maya Nair (Youth volunteer/Psychology graduate)

For more information, contact the Heart Space Collective via our fb messenger feature at

Love and Light, Sarah-Joy

Heart Healing *                 Heart Opening –              Online course (85mins) by Sarah-Joy Amin

Heart Healing * Heart Opening – Online course (85mins) by Sarah-Joy Amin


Heart Healing *                 Heart Opening –              Online course (85mins) by Sarah-Joy Amin

This online Course on HEART HEALING * HEART OPENING was inspired by everything I’ve learned from my Chakra Yoga tradition as well as various energy healing and spiritual traditions. With so much imbalance and healing needed on earth and among so many people living in covid-stricken environments and undergoing various lockdowns or movement restrictions, I am hopeful that this online course can assist those feeling disconnected from themselves, others and the planet.

This Heart Healing * Heart Opening course aims to support those of us undergoing emotional heart imbalances, issues such as heart-ache, feeling withdrawn and lonely, unforgiveness, inability to open our hearts to love and relationships, unhealthy or imbalanced relationships, over-giving and other emotional heart imbalances.

When our heart chakra is not in balance, we suffer from various problems, sometimes also physical heart ailments as well as psychological challenges due to either inadequate/deficient heart energy or excessive, too much heart energy.

Both extremes can be a problem. With insufficient heart energy, we may feel disconnected to ourselves and other people, animals and nature; have poor relationships, and cannot fully relate in an open and joyful manner with our friends and loved ones. We may feel withdrawn, anti-social, selfish and self-centred. On the other hand, too much heart energy can make us jealous, demanding, or self-sacrificing and victimised.

As I’m treating this first ever online course as my Offering of Love and Gratitude to all my teachers and spiritual masters who have guided me to this point in life, I am making the video available at a very special reduced rate of RM48 ONLY! To purchase online follow this link or check on

This video project is done in collaboration with Zenvee, a collective of healing therapy instructors who are passionate about helping society. We are made up of a balanced group of educators who focus on the 5 human senses. Sight, Hearing, Touch, Smell & Taste.

Make it a gift of Love to yourself or anyone else in your family or friends who you feel can benefit from more Heart healing and opening. Love and Namaste, Sarah-Joy

2020 Gentle Chakra Yoga class videos available online

With the new challenges in 2020 given the covid-19 pandemic and the many lockdowns worldwide as well as the Movement Restriction Order (MCO) in Malaysia since mid March 2020, I began offering a Monday morning online Gentle Yoga and Chakra Yoga classes, first via zoom then shifted to Facebook Live.

While the classes are by donation, I decided to leave the Facebook Live classes on my Chakra Yoga & Energy Healing facebook page so anyone can avail of them. If you’re interested to try one of my classes or want to repeat a class taken earlier can go back to the video. The link to several of my online Gentle Chakra Yoga classes are available on this link

Send me your feedback and do like the video if the class has benefited you in some way. I enjoy learning from your experience. And if you would like to make a donation as an energy exchange do contact me for bank details.

Also if you want to explore a personalised class, consider a private Chakra Yoga session with me. I can support you develop a regular personal practice with proper breathing techniques for improved health and circulation. This can be especially useful if you’re a beginner or healing from any back, shoulder/neck injuries or if you just want a practice that feels comfortable, relaxing and balances your body, mind, emotions and energy! A one hour class at RM120 per session. Information on group sessions to come soon as soon as new arrangements are made for classes in the new normal environment.

You can get more regular updates on my classes and offerings at Chakra Yoga & Energy Healing facebook page





Consider a Holistic Counselling & Psychotherapy skype session with the challenging situation facing many of us in recent times:- including the fear of illness and infections, restriction in movement and freedoms, loss of family or separation from family, potential loss of employment and income, increased stress levels with family and children at home, among some of the problems you may be facing.

I am offering online sessions on appointment basis. If you’re looking for a holistic, caring and intuitive approach to therapy then contact me for further information or to book a session. I support people from all walks of life regardless of race, religion, class, age, gender or sexual preference. All my sessions are totally respectful, caring of your needs, private and confidential. I abide by the Code of Ethics set out by the Psychotherapy and Counsellors Federation of Australia (PACFA) as well as the Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy (MPA).

For more information n fees on Holistic Counselling & Psychotherapy check out my website page:

2020 Health & Wellness New Year Retreat ~ Relax, Recharge and Transform ~ Friday 3 – Sunday 5 January 2020 – Penang Hill, Malaysia

2020 Health & Wellness New Year Retreat

~~ Relax, Recharge and Transform ~~

Friday 3 – Sunday 5 January 2020 – Penang Hill, Malaysia



Looking to get away for a few days, but don’t want to go too far? Join us for this three day, two night Health & Wellness Retreat being held at the charming Hickory-on-the Hill, a beautiful and serene villa with panoramic views of Penang. Here you will have space to relax, recharge and transform.










Flow into the New Year with this Health and Wellness Retreat … a holistic journey of inner and outer processes, reconnecting to ourselves more fully through conscious movement, mindful breathing, meditation, reflection, healthy eating and connection to nature!




In our time together you will enjoy:

* yoga and qigong – both gentle and active practices to strengthen the body, make you more relaxed and flexible and remove blockages so energy is flowing freely;

* different breathing exercises (pranayama) that help activate and harmonise your physical and energy system;

* qigong healing – learn and practice self-healing techniques and receive healing;

* guided meditation and relaxation to create a calm and peaceful mind;

* partner work and inner processes like conscious dance to experience deeper release and transformation;

* quiet time surrounded by lush nature to help you relax, recharge and transform body and mind;

* healthy vegetarian/vegan food to nourish the body and dinning with fantastic view of Penang from up the hill!





Yoga is an ancient system of inner and outer practices for more balance in all aspects of life. It is a well tested tradition that provides an inner technology using postures, movement, breath, meditation and energy control to recalibrate your physical, mental, emotional and energy bodies for greater health, well being and ultimately for spiritual liberation.




Qigong is an ancient Chinese qi (vital energy) practice method, a way of cultivating and experiencing energy to enhance health, healing as well as developing spiritual awareness and insight. Through the practice of qigong you will learn how to harness the power of qi from the universe, remove blockages from body and mind and techniques for self-healing.



Dance Your Life into Being. Through conscious movement you will let go of the past, release what is not supporting you and welcome the new. Create your future by setting intentions and expand into who you really are. You will be guided through a flow of music where your focus stays within. When you move your body the energy shifts inside, bringing ease and liveliness into your dance and being.





Hickory-on-the-Hill once again is our venue for the retreat. The villa sits on half an acre of secluded woodland and manicured lawns. The surroundings are lush and green. The environment is nurturing, peaceful and pleasing to all the senses with a wonderfully high vibration and life force to recharge your whole being.

Address: Jalan Bukit Bendera, Lower Tunnel Road, Lower Tunnel State, 11500 Ayer Itam, Penang. Website:



* EARLY BIRD: RM799 – Register and pay a 50% deposit by 25th October 2019. Full payment by 1 December 2019.

* NORMAL RATE: RM900 – Register and pay by 1 December 2019.



* Retreat fee includes all meals and materials. A 50% deposit is required to register. Full payment by 1 December 2019.
* All meals are vegetarian with vegan option. If you have any other dietary requirements, please let us know and we will try and accommodate you.
* Please bring your own yoga mat and any other support you require for the period of the retreat, eg. yoga blocks, meditation cushion and a shawl for chilly mornings and evenings.



Room charges are separate from the Retreat Fee and depending on type of accommodation you choose the room rates vary:

* Double sharing (queen bed): From RM260-330 per room per night
* Triple sharing (one single and one double bed): RM320-350 per room per night
* Single room: RM185 per night
* Super single (2 pax – one single bed with another pull out bed) RM220 per room per night
* Quad (4 in two adjoining rooms) : RM460 per night

Once you have registered, please inform us of your room preference as room assignments will be done by the organisers. Also please inform the organiser, if you choose a double or triple sharing room and have a preferred roommate. If not, the organiser is happy to match you with the most suitable roommate(s).


• Cancellations by 2nd December 2019 receive a refund of 50% of the retreat fee.
• Cancellations by 20th December 2019 receive a refund of 25% of the retreat fee.
• No refunds given from 21st December 2019 onwards.

* In the event that the retreat is cancelled for unforeseen reasons or a lack of participation, your deposit or payment will be returned in full.


Jeep service up the hill to Hickory Bungalow will be organised for those wanting a jeep ride up and back down the hill. The cost of the whole jeep is RM200 both ways and will be an additional cost. Four to five persons can fit into the jeep depending on the amount of luggage so you can share out the cost of the jeep among yourselves. You will need to inform the organiser ahead of time if you wish to hire the jeep service so we can group people together at the same time. We will arrange for participants to meet at the Botanical Gardens Friday afternoon (time to be determined). The same will be arranged for the group at the end of the retreat to return on Sunday late afternoon or early evening.

If you prefer to take the funicular train up to Hickory Bungalow, you will need to get off at the Lower Tunnel Station and follow the sign for a 5 minute walk. Note that the trains can be busy during the weekends and potentially on a Friday afternoon Give yourself ample time to get the train up. It is advisable that you start your journey from the foot hill at least 2-3 hours before our meeting time at 3pm. All ticket purchases require proof of identification.

For further questions please contact me: Sarah-Joy at 016-488 9328 or write to me via fb or email at Or contact Suzanne and Ken Morgan at 013-383 0908.


Suzanne and Ken Morgan are originally from UK and have been living happily in Penang for over 8 years. They were obviously destined to be together and met in India while doing a 6 month Yoga Teacher Training in 1998/99 in the Swami Gitananda lineage. In fact, before meeting, they already shared a great interest in health and alternative medicine, studying several systems between them.

After teaching yoga for a few years and both having curious minds, they decided to explore Chinese Medicine, completing a Bsc. (Hons) Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture) at Salford University, UK from 2003-6. They set up an acupuncture clinic which they ran before deciding to move to Malaysia. They both had an interest in Qigong, studying Wild Goose Qigong with Bingkun Hu from 2005-8 on his yearly visits to the UK, although Ken had been studying qigong since the 1970s.

Whilst in Penang, they were introduced to Zhineng Qigong and after two years of regular practice went in March 2019 to China and completed a 3 month Daohearts Teacher Training in the first, second and advanced levels of Zhineng Qigong. Suzanne and Ken are both passionate about health and wellness and are always happy to share their many years of knowledge with you.

Sarah-Joy Amin is a Transformation Teacher, Chakra Yoga instructor, Inner Dance facilitator and energy worker. Based in Penang, Sarah-Joy has been on the spiritual path for over 20 years, starting with Buddhism in the 1980s, then expanding into yogic practices and a Oneness approach to spirituality from 2010 onwards.

In 2013, Sarah-Joy sought out yoga and did her teacher training in the Chakra Yoga Tradition at the Pyramid Yoga school in Thailand (see She was introduced to yoga during her adolescent years and resumed her yoga practice in Jan 2010 after almost two decades of spinal injuries. In Dec. 2013, she also completed the 108 hour Yoga for Healers course deepening the healing aspect of her yoga practice. Her main teacher, David Goulet, studied under Swami Gitananda, in the same ashram as Ken and Suzanne Morgan!

Sarah-Joy offers private and group yoga classes, and is committed to yoga for she has seen how the practice has helped her through critical periods coping with physical injuries as well as healing deep emotional stresses. More recently, Sarah-Joy has embarked on further studies involving Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Krisztina Mezosi has been dancing various free form dance movement practices —5Rhythms, Movement Medicine, Soul Motion, DanceMandala, contact dance— throughout Europe and Asia for many years. Her emphasis is on how we can free our bodies to help free our minds and get in touch with expressing our inner spirit, through the language of dance. “When I dance my body becomes alive and I travel through different landscapes and emotions to unearth who I really am. I can start from where I am. I don’t need to change anything, to be someone else, to pretend. In the flow of dance I am just me.” K.M.








Holistic Counselling & Psychotherapy, Penang – Transformational Therapy with Sarah-Joy

Holistic Counselling & Psychotherapy, Penang – Transformational Therapy with Sarah-Joy

Holistic Counselling & Psychotherapy, Penang

Holistic Counselling & Psychotherapy, Penang – Transformational Therapy with Sarah-Joy

Transformational Therapy with Sarah-Joy

I am delighted to now offer holistic counselling and psychotherapy services as part of a professional training programme with the Australia-based Metavision Institute Intern Clinic. This will complement the current transformative coaching and energy healing services I’ve been offering for the past five years. This article covers why and how holistic counselling and psychotherapy can help you, the nature of my service, the arrangements and offer for participating in the Metavision Intern Clinic, as well as a brief background about the school of psychotherapy I’m coming from.

Why consider holistic counselling & psychotherapy?

Everyone needs support at some point or another in their lives. Support can come in many ways through family, friends and the community. Sometimes, however, more informed, trained and objective support through holistic counselling, free from prejudices and judgements, can take you much further in healing, resolving or transforming a personal problem, family or relationship conflict or dilemma.

Furthermore, deep rooted patterns within your unconscious, often unknown to you, can also cause repeated mental and emotional stress. Or, you may seem to be attracting similar unwanted life situations and don’t know why. Here psychotherapy can help you become aware of the root causes of your problems and gain more clarity in addressing them.

Holistic counselling and therapy is an approach which helps clients heal by taking the entire human being and their experiences into consideration during assessment and treatment. It treats a person’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs in an integrated way!

How can holistic counselling and psychotherapy help you?

Holistic therapy can help you with:

  • personal, family or work stresses;

  • relationship conflict with a family member, employer, colleague or friend;

  • a health or life challenge that may be creating mental and emotional anxiety, uncertainty and drains you of energy;

  • recurrent dreams, nightmares, childhood memories that may be disturbing and troubling and you would like to understand and resolve it;

  • a crossroad in life related to your job, marriage, work partnerships, moving or shifting residence or country, etc. – when you need to make a major decision that will have a long-term impact; and also

  • any spiritual experiences that may be confusing or even elating but you feel you need more clarity and guidance.

Through holistic counselling you will feel heard, acknowledged and supported.

Relevant guidance and tools will be offered to you where appropriate.

Through psychotherapy you will learn to develop increased personal awareness and better understand repressed thoughts, emotions, and experiences that may be negatively affecting your life. Understanding more about the unconscious parts of yourself is part of your journey to recovery.

Through the therapeutic process, you may discover appropriate solutions for yourself and learn to hear and trust your own intuitive guidance.

What can you expect from a therapy session with me?

Using the techniques of Holistic Counselling and Process Oriented Psychology (see below for description) I aim to support people from all walks of life regardless of race, religion, class, age, gender or sexual preference. All my sessions are totally respectful, caring of your needs, private and confidential. I abide by the Code of Ethics set out by the Psychotherapy and Counsellors Federation of Australia (PACFA) as well as the Malaysian Association of Psychotherapy (MPA).

My mission is to ensure that ALL clients are supported on a healing pathway that is personally uplifting and empowering to them! My motto is TRANSFORMING LIVES into Wellness, Freedom and Joy!

If you’re looking for a holistic, caring and intuitive approach to therapy then contact me for further information or to book a session.

How much is a session?

My rates for Transformative Coaching and general consultation is usually RM150 per hour. For the counselling and pscyhotherapy services as part of Metavision’s Intern clinic, I am offering a 30% discount or a package rate for several sessions. Students and those from lower income groups could be considered for a further reduction.

How to contact me? What days and times am I available during the week?

You can email, me at, send me an fb message via or whatsapp message or phonecall at 016-488 9328. I generally reply quite promptly but for longer emails or messages please allow a day or two latest especially over the weekend period.

I offer my services at The Space, 39-01 Lebuh Lembah Permai, Permai 32, Tanjung Bungah, Penang, Tel 012 447 0072 on Mondays 2-5pm and Fridays 1-4pm, or at my personal consultation space also in Tanjong Bungah on Monday, Tuesday and Friday mornings or Monday and Thursday evenings, as well as alternative Saturday afternoons, with the exception of public holidays. For specific times, this will be arranged by appointment.

What institutional basis supports the counselling and psychotherapy sessions?

My services are part of the Metavision Institute Intern Clinic. Metavision is an institute based in Bowral, Australia, offering graduate and post graduate professional training courses in Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy. Its methods are “rooted in conscious and spiritual awareness; while their teachings are geared towards mental wellbeing.” Furthermore, its focus “extends from healing despair to unleashing the power of human potential.

For more information about Metavision Institute, do check their website:

Transformative change for the body, soul and spirit, where inner change generates outer change.” Metavision Institute, Australia

How reliable is the service provided by the Metavision Intern Clinic?

Metavision is accredited by the Psychotherapy and Counsellors Federation of Australia (PACFA). It runs an Intern Clinic for professional students in the two year Holistic Counselling and Psychotherapy Professional Training Programme, and includes serving clients such as yourself. This Clinic is overseen by Metavision’s professionally qualified staff and supervisors. Metavision also provides all clients who participate in the Intern Clinic with a counselling contract and feedback mechanism to contact the Institute should they have any questions and feedback about the therapy offered. Metavision has professional indemnity insurance coverage for all professional students in its programme.

What tradition of Psychotherapy is being offered?

The psychotherapy approach used here is called Process Oriented Psychology, also known as Process Work. This is a holistic psychotherapeutic approach which works on both the conscious and unconscious minds. Through working with the unconscious parts of you, deeper aspects not always obvious are revealed and brought into your awareness.

What is Process Oriented Psychology?

Process oriented psychology was developed in 1970s by Dr. Arnold Mindell, a physicist and psychologist. ”It is a trans-disciplinary approach that integrates principles from Jungian psychology, physics, and information theory”. It also draws from the wisdom and teachings of Buddhism, Taoism, and various indigenous traditions that recognise we all have underlying psychological patterns. These patterns influence our mental, emotional and physical states, and thereby our actions and personal and relationship experiences.

According to its founder, Dr. Mindell “Process oriented psychology uses awareness to track psychological and physical processes that illuminate and possibly resolve inner, relationship, team, and world issues.” [ ]

If you are interested to learn more about Process Work and the Process Work Institute, see the following website:

Today, process oriented psychology is a widely practiced and respected therapeutic approach. The International Association of Process Oriented Psychology (IAPOP) acts as the supervising body for training, accreditation, and certification worldwide. For details, do check…/t…/process-oriented-psychology.




I’m so excited to embark on a new project with my dear friend and soul sister, artist and soul activist, Jennifer Mourin, called LIVING IN A NEW EARTH! While the project is still in it’s infancy and still taking shape as a fetus morphs every day in its mother’s womb, so too is this project. Yet as I write up sections of the project content today I’m feeling a calling to share the early draft pieces. Inner guidance is telling me that it is not just the final product that will be of support and inspiration to people, but even the early etchings and ideas will be positive and helpful to those who will read and hear these words in the NOW! Hence my first contribution 



(Note the above image is a painting by Jennifer Mourin called THE RAPTURE, Mother Earth series)

The TIME IS NOW to Wake Up. Make a Change!

Wake up! The time is NOW! If you have been going through life pretty much the same and often with one challenge 
after another, whether personal or in the collective then it’s time for change. Many people live life with all kinds of 
dissatisfaction yet stay in the same situation, complaining or putting up with the situation. This is an old energy 

Life does not need to be painful, mundane, up and down or, at best, OK. Life in the New Earth is meant to be Amazing.
... fulfilling, meaningful, mysterious, joyful and abundant. If you haven’t felt any of these emotions in a long time then
something deep needs to change. 

Review your work or career; take stock your your relationships, personal and other; assess your daily routines and 
check if these bring you joy or just more of the same; are your belief systems and religious ideas expanding or 
constricting you and your Mind? Is the way you look at Life and Reality bringing you more positive emotions or just 
creating more doubts, worries and constant fears?

All these can change, and you have the power to Make the Change! Start with the first step!

* Take time to pause and assess how your life is going? At whatever age or situation you are in life, change is possible. 
Choose the path towards greater peace, ease and happiness.

* Wake up early each morning. Take time to be in sunlight or at least to gaze out of your window for a few minutes 
and breathe. The sun not only brings heat, solar light and new energy but new light codes that will help rewire your brain 
and nourishes your physical and etheric bodies.

* Do something different each day. Find a new path to walk or drive on. Take a new course. Listen to a different kind 
of music or youtube speaker. 

* Make a decision to change what is painful in your life. Once a DECISION is Made, the next steps are easier. Take the 
first step and the Universe will support all your steps forward!